About Us

Our Company

Who We Are

Global Presence

Gracesky is often mixed up and compared with nature tourism in general. But, in fact, the concept of ecotourism contains certain principles, which reach further than nature tourism as far as planning, implementation and intended impacts are concerned. Sustainable ecotourism is based on three principles: • Environmental and Socio-cultural compatibility • Respecting and protecting the environment and the culture of the host communities as well as meeting the tourist’s needs • Creation of financial/economic benefits • Raising benefits for local communities and ensuring reinvestment in infrastructure and wildlife management, contribute to poverty alleviation by offering additional income to the population • Creation of environmental and cultural awareness.


Grace sky international is an environmental friendly enterprise which has as main drive to use tourism as a tool for community development. We stand for client satisfaction and making our tourist feel at home is our priority. Beneath are some sites most visited by our tourist including; the highest mountain in West and Central Africa Mount Cameroon, rich biodiversity in Korup National Park, Former Slave trade market at Bimbia, Menchum waterfall, lava debris, Foumban palace, Pygmies in east and south region, lake Barombi and a lot more to explore. You can also enjoy a marvelous journey from mangrove forest at sea level, evergreen lowland forest. You can easily book your tour ranging from 1 to 14 days.

We facilitate enchanting tours from 1 to 14 days to protected sites
Cultural and heritage tours
Renting of camping equipment
Internship and Voluntary service
Airport pickups
Hotel reservations
Car rentals
Flight tickets
Currency exchange

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